I've just done measurements of algorithm inner loop times in my machine by 
changing the code has shown in this commit 

I've found out something... see for yourself:

using Winston
numba_times = readdlm("numba_times.dat")[10:end];

julia_times = readdlm("julia_times.dat")[10:end];

println((median(numba_times), mean(numba_times), var(numba_times)))

println((median(julia_times), mean(julia_times), var(julia_times)))

So, while inner loop times have more or less the same median on both Julia 
and Numba tests, the mean and variance are higher in Julia.

Can that be due to the garbage collector being kicking in?

On Monday, June 16, 2014 4:52:07 PM UTC+1, Florian Oswald wrote:
> Dear all,
> I thought you might find this paper interesting: 
> http://economics.sas.upenn.edu/~jesusfv/comparison_languages.pdf
> It takes a standard model from macro economics and computes it's solution 
> with an identical algorithm in several languages. Julia is roughly 2.6 
> times slower than the best C++ executable. I was bit puzzled by the result, 
> since in the benchmarks on http://julialang.org/, the slowest test is 
> 1.66 times C. I realize that those benchmarks can't cover all possible 
> situations. That said, I couldn't really find anything unusual in the Julia 
> code, did some profiling and removed type inference, but still that's as 
> fast as I got it. That's not to say that I'm disappointed, I still think 
> this is great. Did I miss something obvious here or is there something 
> specific to this algorithm? 
> The codes are on github at 
> https://github.com/jesusfv/Comparison-Programming-Languages-Economics

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