That definitely smells like a GC issue. Python doesn't have this particular
problem since it uses reference counting.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Cristóvão Duarte Sousa <>

> I've just done measurements of algorithm inner loop times in my machine by
> changing the code has shown in this commit
> <>
> .
> I've found out something... see for yourself:
> using Winston
> numba_times = readdlm("numba_times.dat")[10:end];
> plot(numba_times)
> <>
> julia_times = readdlm("julia_times.dat")[10:end];
> plot(julia_times)
> <>
> println((median(numba_times), mean(numba_times), var(numba_times)))
> (0.0028225183486938477,0.0028575707378805993,2.4830103817464292e-8)
> println((median(julia_times), mean(julia_times), var(julia_times)))
> (0.0028240440000000004,0.0034863882123824454,1.7058255003790299e-6)
> So, while inner loop times have more or less the same median on both Julia
> and Numba tests, the mean and variance are higher in Julia.
> Can that be due to the garbage collector being kicking in?
> On Monday, June 16, 2014 4:52:07 PM UTC+1, Florian Oswald wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I thought you might find this paper interesting: http://economics.
>> It takes a standard model from macro economics and computes it's solution
>> with an identical algorithm in several languages. Julia is roughly 2.6
>> times slower than the best C++ executable. I was bit puzzled by the result,
>> since in the benchmarks on, the slowest test is
>> 1.66 times C. I realize that those benchmarks can't cover all possible
>> situations. That said, I couldn't really find anything unusual in the Julia
>> code, did some profiling and removed type inference, but still that's as
>> fast as I got it. That's not to say that I'm disappointed, I still think
>> this is great. Did I miss something obvious here or is there something
>> specific to this algorithm?
>> The codes are on github at

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