I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
so the dependency can be correctly specified.

To exemplify, let's say that package `A` depends on package `B` version 
0.1. Now `B` adds new behavior on master, changes an API or makes some 
other change that `A` wants to utilize. `A` can start using this on master 
directly, but must make sure not to tag a new version until `B` has done 
so, so that `A` can also add the new version number of `B` to its 
dependencies. That way, the package manager will always be able to figure 
it out. My impression is that this doesn't always happen, although mostly 
it does - and in the few cases where it doesn't, filing an issue to `A` or 
`B` usually has the problem fixed quite quickly (i.e. as soon as the 
maintainers get a whiff of it).

And of course, as soon as you start checking out master versions of *any 
package whatsoever*, you're basically saying to the package manager that 
"hey, chill - I'll figure it out". So then, don't be surprised if you have 
to help it out sometimes =)

// T

On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:41:54 PM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:
> Hello colleagues,
> i just filed an issue to Gtk (because a basic functionality; getting the 
> cairo context for a canvas; somehow doesn't work, at least in my 
> environment, and it did in former times) and i'd bet a bottle of tomato 
> ketchup on it: For sure it will be solved by git pulling the 'right' 
> version. 
> For a proper definition of 'right'.
> In my naive way of working with julia i try to Pkg.update() often (let's 
> say once a week). But still for some packages it's needed to get the git 
> master. 
> Is there a recommended way like: all master?
> Wishing a happy day,
>        Andreas

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