Hello colleagues,

On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
> maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
> latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
> That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
> depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
> package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
> dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
> so the dependency can be correctly specified.
... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version number 
less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question was 
rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your advice.

This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

Wishing a happy day,

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