According to Julia median is defined as

n = length(v) 
if isodd(n)
    return middle(select!(v,div(n+1,2))) 
    m = select!(v, div(n,2):div(n,2)+1) 
    return middle(m[1], m[2]) 


kl. 16:03:47 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Elliot Saba følgende:
> Reading your post, I'm a little confused Iain.  You state:
> If we consider only packages with at least 1 package depending on them, we 
> find the median to be 3 dependent packages but the mean to be 10.5. This is 
> due to the 15 or so packages with more than 30 dependent packages.
> Now, I'm not the best at statistics, but isn't the median of *x* defined 
> as *(min(x) + max(x))/2*?  If that is the case, (and assuming that we 
> don't have negative package dependency counts) I don't see how the median 
> can be 3, but the mean be 10.5.  Perhaps you meant the mode was 3?
> -E
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Iain Dunning < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hah, yeah, strangely relevant.
>> PkgEval runs nightly (around 1am US Eastern), but obviously with so many 
>> people using Julia there is a lot of room for chaos inbetween runs.
>> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:58:46 AM UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>>> Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)
>>> // T
>>> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>>>> I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
>>>> problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
>>>> respond surprisingly fast =)
>>>> There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to 
>>>> [Iain Dunning]('s amazing work with 
>>>> PackageEvaluator and related tools. For example, if you click "more 
>>>> options" on and then "Show package ecosystem 
>>>> statistics for Julia nightly...", you'll see some great data showing the 
>>>> current (and past) state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips 
>>>> in the green curve, when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff 
>>>> everywhere - and you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter 
>>>> of a few days. This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by 
>>>> the system against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were 
>>>> quick 
>>>> to fix whatever they needed.
>>>> In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without 
>>>> specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval, 
>>>> and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs 
>>>> every 
>>>> now and then, and since quite a lot of users today "live on the edge" (and 
>>>> actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that 
>>>> problems 
>>>> like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very 
>>>> likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't 
>>>> be 
>>>> a problem anymore...
>>>> // T
>>>> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:
>>>>> Hello colleagues,
>>>>> On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>>>>>> I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among 
>>>>>> package maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only 
>>>>>> use (the latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just 
>>>>>> Work (TM). That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds 
>>>>>> functionality that depends on some specific addition to a different 
>>>>>> package, it is up to that package maintainer to make sure *not* to 
>>>>>> tag a new version until the dependency package has tagged one, in which 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> new behavior is included, so the dependency can be correctly specified.
>>>>> ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version 
>>>>> number less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The 
>>>>> question 
>>>>> was rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
>>>>> assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your 
>>>>> advice.
>>>>> This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
>>>>> thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
>>>>> dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?
>>>>> Wishing a happy day,

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