I have been using Mathematica regularly for five years now and I am a new 
user of Julia. As a first serious project I have used Julia to simulate a 
nonlinear optical pulse propagation problem. I originally have written the 
codes in Mathematica. The simulation time in Julia was roughly eight times 
smaller than Mathematica. I am sure I have missed many Julia tricks to make 
it even faster. In mathematica Table or ParallelTable are quite fast. I am 
disappointed that with the new version 10 Wolfram has not added any more 
parallel computation details. So for symbolic manipulation or doing a quick 
plots mathematica is unbeatable. Writing some basic parallel codes are also 
as trivial as it gets. 

One feature I would like to see from IJulia may be is that the input of 
greek and mathematical symbol in way that looks natural, e.g. using 
subscript, in division, integration etc as way to input. This will 
definitely be a significant improvement IMHO. 

second feature is to be able to plot a function in a way one can do in 
Mathematica. Plotting packages for Julia does this in very limited way 
(unless I am missing something)

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