> It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or density plot ( two 
types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only get improved.

There is, actually, some functionality for contour and density plot 
already, but all the nuts and bolts aren't really tightened yet, and I 
don't know if the progress so far has been documented at all, but if you 
have a function `f = (x,y) -> z(x,y)`, you can do `plot(f, xmin, xmax, 
ymin, ymax)` to get a nice contour plot. Support for contour plots of 
matrices is under construction - take a look at 
[#293](https://github.com/dcjones/Gadfly.jl/issues/293) for more details.

Density plots is sort-of implemented through 
[Geom.rectbin](http://dcjones.github.io/Gadfly.jl/geom_rectbin.html) which 
may or may not be what you need.

// T

On Monday, July 21, 2014 11:09:31 PM UTC+2, Zahirul ALAM wrote:
> Thanks Stefan. I did find out that I can type \alpha<tab> for Unicode α. 
> My point was more to do with the "traditional" input / output mode. 
> btw if I am not mistaken I think in markup mode the \alpha<tab> does not 
> work. I guess not even auto complete works in markup mode when pressed tab. 
> May be I am doing it wrong. However it works just fine once the block is 
> "compiled". But I think that has nothing to do with IJulia.
> I have indeed met Gadfly. I had Gadfly in mind when I wrote that. It is 
> indeed very pretty. It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or 
> density plot ( two types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only 
> get improved. 
> On Monday, 21 July 2014 14:48:17 UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Zahirul ALAM <zahiru...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> One feature I would like to see from IJulia may be is that the input of 
>>> greek and mathematical symbol in way that looks natural, e.g. using 
>>> subscript, in division, integration etc as way to input. This will 
>>> definitely be a significant improvement IMHO. 
>> You can do Unicode input using LaTeX codes in IJulia by typing, e.g. 
>> \alpha<tab>, which will be turned into a Unicode α. That's not as fancy as 
>> what you can do in Mathematica, but I'm not sure we want to go there. I 
>> find editing Mathematica code pretty irritating and it's not that much 
>> better looking except for the "traditional" output mode, which you cannot 
>> use as an input format anyway.
>> second feature is to be able to plot a function in a way one can do in 
>>> Mathematica. Plotting packages for Julia does this in very limited way 
>>> (unless I am missing something)
>> Have you met Gadfly <https://github.com/dcjones/Gadfly.jl>?

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