Dear Julia users,

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree 
implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the (key, 
value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.  According to 
section 2.1.7 of the manual, "for i = I; <body> ; end" translates to:

  state = start(I)
  while !done(I, state)
      (i,state) = next(I,state)

The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body BEFORE 
the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has a 
typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the code:

done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())

So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires two 
calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one to 
actually advance the loop.

I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it appears to 
be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the current i is 

For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring it 
twice per loop iteration is undesirable.

Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is implemented 
this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I suppose 
that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the result of 
the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the 
rationale for the current design?

Steve Vavasis

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