I just put all your top-level statements (except for the two helper 
functions) into a function of its own:

julia> @time main()
elapsed time: 0.162065867 seconds (14434040 bytes allocated)

I don't think my 5 year old laptop could be *that* much faster than your 
computer.  Take a look at the performance tips section for more advice 
along these 
lines: http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:13:40 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
> I suspect you might find the profiler helpful: 
> http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/stdlib/profile/
> (And the ProfileView.jl package provides a nice visualization of profiler 
> results--you should check it out too!)
> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:47:09 PM UTC-5, Arnaud Amiel wrote:
>> To learn how to use Julia, I am running through the project Euler 
>> problems (I had already solved most of them using other languages) and up 
>> to now, they have all comfortably been solved under 1s without any clever 
>> algorithm, even sometimes purposely brute forced.
>> However I am stuck on problem 23 (Find the sum of all the positive 
>> integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.) which 
>> solves in 8 s. The surprising thing to me is that what I assume to be the 
>> hard part is solved in 0.1 s.
>> I have been struggling on and off for the last week but have gone 
>> nowhere. I thought a fresh pair of eyes may see something.
>> Here is my code:
>> const maxAbundant = 28123
>> function sumOfDivisors(n::Int)
>>   f = factor(n)
>>   counter = 1
>>   for i in keys(f)
>>     count = 1
>>     for j in 1:f[i]
>>   count += i^j
>> end
>> counter *= count
>>   end
>>   counter-n
>>  end
>> function isAbundant(n::Int)
>>   sumOfDivisors(n) > n ? true : false
>> end  
>> abundantNumbers=Array(Int,1)
>> abundantNumbers[1]=12
>> sizehint(abundantNumbers, maxAbundant)
>> for i = 13:maxAbundant
>>   if isAbundant(i)
>>     push!(abundantNumbers, i)
>>   end
>> end
>> isSumOfAbundant=falses(1,maxAbundant)
>> tic()
>> for i = 1:length(abundantNumbers)
>>   for j = i:length(abundantNumbers)
>>     SumOfAbundant = abundantNumbers[i] + abundantNumbers[j]
>>     if SumOfAbundant <= maxAbundant
>>   isSumOfAbundant[SumOfAbundant]=true
>> else
>>   break
>> end
>>   end
>> end
>> toc()
>> result=0
>> for i = 1:maxAbundant
>>   if !isSumOfAbundant[i]
>>     result += i
>>   end
>> end
>> result
>> When run with @time I get:
>> elapsed time: 7.967364175 seconds
>> elapsed time: 8.06121492 seconds (1359946448 bytes allocated, 18.32% gc 
>> time)
>> So I am convinced the bit between tic() and toc() is not right and gc 
>> time may be a clue but I really can't find why.
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> One thing I find annoying with Julia is that sometimes what seems to me a 
>> very insignificant change in the code has dramatic effect in the execution 
>> time. It is anyway a great tool to try things and find solutions quickly. I 
>> wish I had had Julia when I started on Project Euler.
>> Thanks,
>> Arnaud

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