So, question would be: Is it possible to have an include like command that 
puts everthing into its own scope (using let?)?

Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014 15:48:26 UTC+2 schrieb Arnaud Amiel:
> Exactly my problem here, stuggling to understand what "global variables" 
> are in the context of what I see as a script which I assumed was running in 
> its own context.
> I am new to Julia and hardly ever used dynamic languages before so lots of 
> strange and magic behaviour here for me. Some of my problems might be 
> obvious for people here but for not me as the only real programming I have 
> done was device drivers in C and assembly more than 10 years ago. So don't 
> take any of my comments as criticism of the work done on Julia but rather 
> as complete lack of understanding of what is going on and a willingness to 
> learn.
> I hope no one was offended here and keep up the good work
> On Thursday, 24 July 2014 12:42:32 UTC+1, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>> (Making an attempt at going back somewhat on topic...)
>> I think some of the frustration here is also that it's not entirely 
>> obvious even from the performance tips 
>> <> that 
>> putting your code in a function will make such a huge difference. The 
>> mechanisms that are responsible for making it so are explained in detail in 
>> the very first section ("Avoid global variables") but I can understand why 
>> especially people new to Julia don't immediately associate this to putting 
>> code in a function when measuring performance. Perhaps renaming the section 
>> to "Avoid global variables, and put your code in functions" would help 
>> straighten some of these question marks out?
>> //T
>> On Thursday, July 24, 2014 6:29:59 AM UTC+2, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>> Live editor/IDE integration of linting (and type-checking) a la Matlab 
>>> would be quite nice to have one of these days. Julia seems to self-select 
>>> for the type of people who actually listen to suggestions and are willing 
>>> to experiment with refactoring and profiling, but I still fear the piles of 
>>> awful Matlab code I've dealt with over the years with every single line 
>>> covered in orange underlines (I think we've all been there). Tough balance 
>>> to strike with "if you ignore these, your code will run slowly" in a way 
>>> that doesn't lead to new users just tuning out all advice.
>>> On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:27:24 PM UTC-7, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
>>>> My inclination is to include type checking and linting in base Julia, 
>>>> automatically invoked by a "paranoid" mode that also ignores inbounds 
>>>> annotations and such. Then the testing infrastructure should run tests in 
>>>> paranoid mode, linting and type checking the code to be tested. This seems 
>>>> like a good point to have that kind of check automatically since you're 
>>>> already asking for that kind of feedback. Since packages should always 
>>>> have 
>>>> tests, this will also serve to make sure that packages pass type check and 
>>>> lint inspection.
>>>> On Jul 23, 2014, at 2:05 PM, Sam L <> wrote:
>>>> >  I'd be strongly in favor of that, but it would make Julia feel more 
>>>> like one of those static languages for which compilers readily warn you 
>>>> about your bad habits.
>>>> Maybe Lint and TypeCheck should display their message with a 
>>>> `suggest("blah")` or `hint("blah")` that is printed in purple instead of a 
>>>> red warning. :)
>>>> On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:39:11 PM UTC-7, Bradley Alpert wrote:
>>>>> I for one am thrilled to be able to program every day in such a 
>>>>> beautiful, flexible, clean language with generally good performance and 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> which sparkling performance is possible.  By comparison, performance 
>>>>> instability is a minor matter.
>>>>> There, I have thoroughly discredited myself by banal chatter!

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