Thanks Tom. Pweh, that's what I suspected. 

I glanced at boot.jl, and it doesn't seem Julia has a typealias for 
doubles. I'll define my own to check for 32 vs. 64-bit systems.

On Monday, 25 August 2014 15:10:30 UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:
> Actually, Int (and UInt) are aliases to the “native size integer”, so if 
> you specify Int you will get Int32 on a 32-bit system and Int64 on a 
> 64-bit system. So no, don’t change my_var::Int to my_var::Int32 - that’ll 
> make your code *worse* on 64-bit systems ;)
> // T
> On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:05:06 PM UTC+2, Roy Wang wrote:
>> Thanks guys. So to clarify: FloatingPoint is not a concrete types, so 
>> explicitly defining variables or function inputs using it will not speed 
>> things up. Instead, I should use Float64, Float32, etc.
>> Is Int an abstract type as well? I'm wondering if I should go back and 
>> rename everything my_var::Int to my_var::Int32.
>> John: I couldn't find the mutate!() function in the Julia Standard 
>> Library v0.3. Do you mean my own function that mutates the source array?
>> On Monday, 25 August 2014 14:54:14 UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
>>> On Monday, August 25, 2014 12:28:00 PM UTC-5, John Myles White wrote:
>>>> Array{FloatingPoint} isn't related to Array{Float64}. Julia's type 
>>>> system always employs invariance for parametric types: 
>>>> <>
>>> To underline this point a bit, it's even a bit worse than that: 
>>> Array{FloatingPoint} will work just fine for a lot of things, but it stores 
>>> all elements as heap pointers, so array-like operations (such as linear 
>>> algebra routines) will often be extremely slow.
>>> As a rule, you almost never use an abstract type as the type parameter 
>>> of a parametric type for this reason. Where you wish to be generic over a 
>>> specific family of types under an abstract type, you can use type 
>>> constraints:
>>> function foo{T<:FloatingPoint}(src::Array{T,1})
>>>  ...
>>> end
>>> But often type annotations can be omitted completely.
>> ​

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