Your example involves two tricky issues: slice behavior and the fact that, 
despite appearances, A += b is not in-place. See issues #3424, #3217, and 
precedents they link to.

I'd be interested in hearing more detail about how using slice gets nasty; as 
you say, from this example slice doesn't look so bad. In trying to fix this, we 
want to make sure we're aware of all the issues.


On Monday, September 01, 2014 10:02:54 PM Christoph Ortner wrote:
> a = rand(3,3,3,3)
> b = rand(3,3)
> # this works:
> a[1,1,:,:] = slice(a,1,1,:,:)+b
> # this does not work:
> a[1,1,:,:] += b
> This example does not look so bad, but once you use expressive variable
> names and more dimensions it quickly gets very nasty. Because of it, I am
> doing less vectorisation than I would prefer.
> I know there is a lot of discussion on slicing on the Julia issues list, so
> I did not want to post another issue there.
> Is this likely to be resolved in future releases? Are there elegant
> alternatives?

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