Are slices in Julia any worse than in Matlab? If so, what does Matlab do
that's better? I agree that our current slicing needs improvements (they
are planned), but it is largely due to its Matlab heritage.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Christoph Ortner <
> wrote:

> Tim - many thanks for the reply. To put this into context: I have 15y+
> experience with matlab, and some limited experience with other languages
> (C,C++,Java,Fortran).
> Here is a code snippet that brought this up. It precomputes a lot of data
> that is then used in a variety of (non-standard) ways for Tight-Binding
> molecular dynamics. This is a quick and dirty first-attempt implementation
> to "just get it to run".
>      # the following arrays are generates elsewhere, d \in \{2,3\}, N is
> large, alpha real
>      # R : d x N x N  array
>      # E : N x N array
>      # VERSION 1
>      for a = 1:d
>           hHamiltonian[a, a, :, :] = slice(hHamiltonian, a, a, :, :) -
> alpha * E
>           for b = 1:d
>                hHamiltonian[a,b,:,:] = slice(hHamiltonian, a, b, :, :) +
> alpha^2 * E .* slice(R, a, :, :) .* slice(R, b, :, :)
>           end
>      end
> instead of what I would have liked to write:
>      # VERSION 2
>      for a = 1:d
>           hHamiltonian[a, a, :, :] += -alpha * E
>           for b = 1:d
>                hHamiltonian[a, b, :, :] += alpha^2 * E .* R[a, :, :] .*
> R[b, :, :]
>           end
>      end
> Granted, since writing the above post I read up on Comprehensions (first
> time I have used them, and quite like the result)
>      # VERSION 3
>      hHamiltonian = [ - alpha*E[m,n]*del[a,b] + alpha^2 * E[m,n] *
> R[a,m,n] * R[b,m,n]
>                              for a = 1:d, b=1:d, m = 1:N, n = 1:N]
> I am quite happy with this last version, for the moment at least. Some
> points remain:
> 1. what is the performance of Comprehensions compared with vectorisation
> or straight for-loops?
> 2. The current slicing behaviour of Julia is just unexpectedly clunky.
> Whether or not VERSION 2 is "good code" to write, there are many instances
> where I would have written like this without a second thought. Another
> example is vectorised finite element assembly which looks very similar, but
> more complex.
> 3. VERSION 2 is still the most natural way to write for many people who do
> quick and dirty numerical experiments and don't want to think too much
> about good coding practises. These are the kind of people who would prefer
> the code to run for 2 days rather than 2 hours, if it means they spend 1/10
> of their time coding.
> Any comments will be helpful. Thanks,
>    - Christoph
> On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 11:23:34 UTC+1, Tim Holy wrote:
>> Your example involves two tricky issues: slice behavior and the fact
>> that,
>> despite appearances, A += b is not in-place. See issues #3424, #3217, and
>> precedents they link to.
>> I'd be interested in hearing more detail about how using slice gets
>> nasty; as
>> you say, from this example slice doesn't look so bad. In trying to fix
>> this, we
>> want to make sure we're aware of all the issues.
>> --Tim
>> On Monday, September 01, 2014 10:02:54 PM Christoph Ortner wrote:
>> > a = rand(3,3,3,3)
>> > b = rand(3,3)
>> > # this works:
>> > a[1,1,:,:] = slice(a,1,1,:,:)+b
>> > # this does not work:
>> > a[1,1,:,:] += b
>> >
>> > This example does not look so bad, but once you use expressive variable
>> > names and more dimensions it quickly gets very nasty. Because of it, I
>> am
>> > doing less vectorisation than I would prefer.
>> >
>> > I know there is a lot of discussion on slicing on the Julia issues
>> list, so
>> > I did not want to post another issue there.
>> >
>> > Is this likely to be resolved in future releases? Are there elegant
>> > alternatives?

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