> Why is begin...end better than """....""" ?

For block documentation they are equivalent, but the triple quotes are
heavy for lots of single line comments. Eg: look at the average comment
length of this randomly chosen Haskell source file

But in the end, it's just bikeshedding over style at this point. It looks
like most of us are in agreement about:

   1. Coupling the documentation to the AST
   2. Documentation being markup agnostic/flexible

Now it's just a matter of syntax. Which ironically can sometimes derail
entire language features for years at a time. Eg: better record syntax
<https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Records> in Haskell has been in the
need of the right syntax (although semantics are a hangup there as well)
for many years.

Perhaps we need a temporary BDFL
<http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Benevolent_dictator_for_life> for Julia to just
make an arbitrary (good) decision and get us all into the glorious days of
documented packages.

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