> The primary difference to me is the ease of expansion that comes along 
> with comments. Ie, if there is already one line of comments, I just hit 
> newline in my editor, and it automatically adds a new comment leader and I 
> can add an additional thought to the comment. Whereas with strings and 
> markup, I have to go and tidy up the ending quotations.

Given triple-quoted string literals, I don't see what the problem is.   Why 
is it hard to insert a new line in:

   doc """
       blah blah
   function foo(...)


> But if we're proposing modifying the parser anyways, then we could get the 
> best of both worlds with a* doc* keyword that is line terminated or block 
> terminated just like the let keyword:
> doc begin
>   lots of documentation, blah
>   blah
> end
Why is begin...end better than """....""" ?

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