Le dimanche 14 septembre 2014 à 12:30 -0700, Zac a écrit :
> Hi I'm trying to port some c++ code to julia for approximating
> functions on a sparse grid and have run into a strange 100x slow down
> that I can't work
> out. https://gist.github.com/Zac12345/3da7be1fe99681a5bd14 shows the
> julia code  and https://github.com/Zac12345/Sparse has the whole
> module (though building the shared library can be a faff)
> Though the library uses multi-threading this tends to only give a 6-7x
> speedup. 
> Is there anything obvious I'm missing out on here?
> ps: profiling shows most of the time is spend (obviously) in the
> innermost loop - line 39 of the gist - but a simple comparison of the
> julia/c++ basis functions shows the julia version to be considerably
> faster!
I've just looked quickly at the code, but I've found two places where
you are making copies of arrays, which hurts performance.

@inbounds w[1] = A[1]
Aold += dA

The last line is equivalent to Aold = Aold + dA, so it replaces Aold
with the result of the addition. Given the code above, you can just do
Aold += A[1].


Here a copy of the extracted slice is taken. See the other thread "Why
does this function incur so much garbage collection (and how can I make
faster) ?". You should be able to use ArrayViews, SubArrays, or refactor
your code.

Aold += dA

Same as the first issue. Better write this as a loop.


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