Hello again Uwe!  

It's fun running into someone I know on a language geek forum :)  I'm 
helping one of our bachelor's students implement an LQR controller on our 
carousel in Freiburg.  It's an ugly hack, but I'm calling an octave script 
to recompute the feedback gains online.  Octave wraps slicot, so if the 
licenses are compatible, perhaps wrapping slicot is the way to go for some 
functions, if the licenses are compatible.

Personally, I have a burning desire for a better language we can actually 
do control in (rust?).  I doubt Julia qualifies due to the garbage 
collection, but does anyone know if Julia has some sort of way to JIT Julia 
expressions to code that does ~not have any garbage collection?  If so, is 
there a way to export them as object files and link against them from C? 
 Then you'd still have to write glue code in a systems language, but at 
least the implementation of the controller wouldn't have to cross a 
language boundary...  


On Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:56:20 PM UTC+1, Uwe Fechner wrote:
> Hello,
> I could not find any control system library for Julia yet. Would that make 
> sense?
> There is a control system library available for Python:
> http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~murray/wiki/index.php/Python-control
> Perhaps this could be used as starting point? I think that implementing 
> this in Julia
> should be easier and faster than in Python.
> Any comments?
> Should I open a feature request?
> Uwe Fechner, TU Delft, The Netherlands

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