Hi Mike,

This is awesome!

Please forgive a question before doing my homework, but is there a way to 
access a javascript console in the window?

I think I can use this for something I'm working on. I almost have a basic 
javascript/d3 version of GUIDE working together with my own homegrown data 
visualizations for building GUIs in Chrome, so this is a very welcome gift 

I was looking into node-webkit, but this looks maybe better :)

Happy New Year!

Best regards,

PS: Here is a screenshot. I usually run things in the console.


On Monday, January 5, 2015 10:30:33 PM UTC+8, Mike Innes wrote:
> Hello Julians,
> I have a shiny late Christmas present for you, complete with Julia-themed 
> wrapping.
> Blink.jl <https://github.com/one-more-minute/Blink.jl> wraps Chrome to 
> enable web-based GUIs. It's very primitive at the moment, but as a proof of 
> concept it includes BlinkDisplay, which will display graphics like Gadfly 
> plots in a convenient popup window (matplotlib style).
> Shashi has some great ideas for ways to control HTML from Julia, and 
> hopefully in future we'll have more nice things like matrix/data frame 
> explorers and other graphical tools.
> (Incidentally, I'd also appreciate any feedback on the display system I've 
> made to enable this, since I'm hoping to propose it to replace Base's 
> current one in future)
> Anyway, let me know if this is useful to you and/or there are any problems.
> – Mike

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