On Monday, 2 February 2015 16:59:19 UTC, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> It might be nice to submit a patch to OpenBLAS to make their dot functions 
> use pairwise summation; this is almost as accurate as KBN summation but 
> with negligible performance penalty (for a large base case), so it should 
> be possible to put together an attractive pull request.

intersting - but wouldn't performance suffer, or does nobody care about 
Level1-BLAS performance? (this is really outside my domain)


> For Base, currently sum_kbn requires an AbstractArray; for use-cases like 
> this it would be nice to support a variant of the form sum_kbn(function, 
> iterator), so you could do
>      sum_kbn(pair -> conj(pair[1])*pair[2], zip(a, b))
> in order to compute the kbn dot product of a and b.

For my own applications, I really need something much better than pairwise 
summation, which has ~\eps \sum |x[i]| error, so I will try this, but I'm 
afraid your syntax goes over my head.  I suppose, this would require to 
first rewrite sum_kbn?

Thanks, Christoph


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