On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 4:48:20 AM UTC-5, Christoph Ortner wrote:
> On Monday, 2 February 2015 16:59:19 UTC, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>> It might be nice to submit a patch to OpenBLAS to make their dot 
>> functions use pairwise summation; this is almost as accurate as KBN 
>> summation but with negligible performance penalty (for a large base case), 
>> so it should be possible to put together an attractive pull request.
> intersting - but wouldn't performance suffer, or does nobody care about 
> Level1-BLAS performance? (this is really outside my domain)

No, there is no performance penalty.  (Or rather, the performance penalty 
can easily be made 1% or less…basically unmeasurable.)   That is the whole 
advantage of pairwise summation — you get nearly the accuracy of Kahan 
summation (with only a logarithmic penalty) with nearly the performance of 
naive summation.   That's why pairwise sums are the default algorithm for 
Julia's sum function (and cumsum etc.). 

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