Hi Tobias,

Thank you for this good start! ;) I was just wondering if there was any
built function to do this before starting to do my own function. Tomorrow
is Monday, if I don't find any built function I will move towards the
direction you indicated ;) The R and Matlab functions I use can also help.

Have a nice Sunday!



On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Tobias Knopp <tobias.kn...@googlemail.com>

> I have recently created functions for reading and writing a similar format
> (Analyze/Nifti). Its not very complicated.
> Something like the following to give you a start:
> function load_edf(filename::String)
>   header = Dict{ASCIIString,Any}()
>   open(filename,"r") do fd
>     version =  bytestring( read(fd, Uint8, 8) )
>     header["version"] = version
>     localPatientId =  bytestring( read(fd, Uint8, 80) )
>     header["version"] = localPatientId
>     ...
>     # here the data would be read
>   end
>   return data, header
> end
> Am Sonntag, 22. März 2015 08:28:20 UTC+1 schrieb Charles Santana:
>> Dear all,
>> Does any of you know if there is a library or a function to read EDF
>> files with Julia?
>> http://www.edfplus.info/specs/edf.html
>> EDF is a format for exchange and storage of multichannel biological and
>> physical signals. In our case, we have polysomnographic data stored in this
>> format.
>> We use to read this kind of data using functions written in R or Matlab,
>> or to use a free open-source software (edfbrowser) to convert the data to
>> ASCII. But as we always use Julia to do the analysis of the converted data
>> I was wondering if there is something written in Julia to read them in
>> their original format.
>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>> Best,
>> Charles
>> --
>> Um axé! :)
>> --
>> Charles Novaes de Santana, PhD
>> http://www.imedea.uib-csic.es/~charles

Um axé! :)

Charles Novaes de Santana, PhD

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