On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 12:38:33 PM UTC-4, Jeff Bezanson wrote:
> Steven -- I agree and I find it very refreshing that you're willing to 
> judge a language by more than just performance. Any given language can 
> always be optimized better, so ideally you want to compare them by 
> more robust criteria. 
> Obviously a particular system might have a well-tuned library routine 
> that's faster than our equivalent. But think about it: is having a 
> slow interpreter, and relying on code to spend all its time in 
> pre-baked library kernels the *right* way to get performance? That's 
> just the same boring design that has been used over and over again, in 
> matlab, IDL, octave, R, etc. In those cases the language isn't 
> bringing much to the table, except a pile of rules about how important 
> code must still be written in C/Fortran, and how your code must be 
> vectorized or shame on you. 

That's a very good point... and is one of the things I like a lot about 
Even with my initial surprise about a single performance issue (the 
building up a string by concatenation), I did NOT judge Julia by that alone,
and have been quite happy with it overall [and I've been converting all of 
the developers at the startup where I'm consulting to Julia fans].
I also have faith, from what I've seen so far, is that performance issues 
*will* be addressed, as best as possible considering the architecture and 
goals of the language,
by a number of pretty smart people, both in and outside of the "core" team.


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