Hello colleague,

On Friday, May 15, 2015 at 12:08:10 PM UTC+2, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
> Do I need to be worried? My guess is 0.4 might be faster and maybe already 
> be faster in all the cases below (do you know?):

i'm allowed to write that, because i already did my share in benchmarking 
systems (20 years ago...): Benchmarks don't lie, but liars do benchmarks.

The comparison of the runtime for the implementation of small synthetic 
programming problems in julia to other languages is a nice exercise and 
gives some numbers as indication. But the room for interpretation stops 
with that. I am seriously doubting that you see the same proportion of 
numbers if you go to non-synthetic benchmarks or real world programming 
cases. In the real world the performance of a program is dependend on a lot 
more things than choosing an implementation language (in my work 20 years 
ago, i benchmarked different fortran77 compilers on exactly the same 
system). Julia is a quite nice user friendly language, but the actual 
performance is happening in the compiler and the optimization steps 
provided by LLVM. 

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