Here is the output I get:

julia> Pkg.status()
4 required packages:
 - CPLEX                         0.0.9
 - Images                        0.4.37
 - Jewel                         1.0.4
 - JuMP                          0.5.8
27 additional packages:
 - AnsiColor                     0.0.2
 - BinDeps                       0.3.9
 - Calculus                      0.1.4
 - Color                         0.4.5
 - Compat                        0.4.4
 - Compose                       0.3.12
 - DataStructures                0.3.9
 - Docile                        0.1.0
 - DualNumbers                   0.1.0
 - FactCheck                     0.1.2
 - FixedPointNumbers             0.0.7
 - Graphics                      0.1.0
 - Graphs                        0.4.3
 - Iterators                     0.1.7
 - JSON                          0.4.0
 - JuliaParser                   0.6.2
 - LNR                           0.0.1
 - Lazy                          0.8.4
 - Markdown                      0.3.0
 - MathProgBase                  0.3.1
 - Requires                      0.1.2
 - ReverseDiffSparse             0.1.2
 - SHA                           0.0.4
 - SIUnits                       0.0.3
 - TexExtensions                 0.0.2
 - URIParser                     0.0.5
 - Zlib                          0.1.8

On Friday, June 12, 2015 at 5:52:49 PM UTC+2, Joey Huchette wrote:
> What’s the output of Pkg.status()? It seems like an issue with Docile, 
> not JuMP.
> On Friday, June 12, 2015 at 9:25:50 AM UTC-4, Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis 
> wrote:
>  Hello,
>> I am really new to Julia and not the best programmer mysefl.
>> I run linux mint 16 and I installed julia via terminal (sudo apt-get 
>> install julia ).
>> Then when I run Julia on my terminal, while the JuMP package is installed
>> sth that I believe the following two commands on my terminal prove:
>> julia> Pkg.update()
>> INFO: Updating METADATA...
>> INFO: Computing changes...
>> INFO: No packages to install, update or remove
>> julia> Pkg.add("JuMP")
>> INFO: Nothing to be done
>> Then when I try to use JuMP I get the following error msg:
>> julia> using JuMP
>> ERROR: Block not defined
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>> in _require at loading.jl:67
>> in require at loading.jl:54
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>> in _require at loading.jl:67
>> in require at loading.jl:54
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>> in _require at loading.jl:67
>> in require at loading.jl:54
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>> in _require at loading.jl:67
>> in require at loading.jl:54
>> in include at ./boot.jl:245
>> in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>> in reload_path at loading.jl:152
>> in _require at loading.jl:67
>> in require at loading.jl:51
>> while loading /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/Docile/src/types.jl, in expression 
>> starting on line 2
>> while loading /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/Docile/src/Docile.jl, in 
>> expression starting on line 19
>> while loading 
>> /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/DataStructures/src/DataStructures.jl, in 
>> expression starting on line 48
>> while loading /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/Graphs/src/Graphs.jl, in 
>> expression starting on line 2
>> while loading /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/ReverseDiffSparse/src/coloring.jl, 
>> in expression starting on line 1
>> while loading 
>> /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/ReverseDiffSparse/src/ReverseDiffSparse.jl, in 
>> expression starting on line 20
>> while loading /home/kostas/.julia/v0.3/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl, in expression 
>> starting on line 13
>> Finally the msg I receive for Block is the following:
>> julia> Pkg.checkout("Block")
>> ERROR: Block is not a git repo
>> in checkout at pkg/entry.jl:190
>> in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
>> in cd at ./file.jl:20
>> in cd at pkg/dir.jl:28
>> in checkout at pkg.jl:33
> ​

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