Sorry for the delay in my answer.

*>Could you run /home/kostav/julia/contrib/julia-config.jl  --ldlibs and 
tell me what it returns?*It returns: -Wl,-rpath,/home/kostav/julia/usr/lib 

*>**Did you do a make install of Julia itself and are running out of that*
*>installed directory or are you running out of where it compiled or 
*>simply copied the directories? That script assumes the former and I think*

*>maybe you're doing the latter.*
I downloaded the source code in folder (home/julia) and run inside this 
file make 
and make install of Julia inside.

*>**/home/kostav/julia/bin/julia  /home/kostav/julia/contrib/*julia-config.jl 

I actually don't have any bin folder inside my julia folder, so I can't do 
any of
the suggested modifications.
What could I do different in this case?

On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 7:55:10 PM UTC+2, Jeff Waller wrote:


> On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 11:36:34 AM UTC-4, Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis 
> wrote:
>> Ok, my current Julia version (that I installed via running the source 
>> code) is: 
>> *Version 0.4.0-dev+5841 (2015-07-07 14:58 UTC)*So, what should I do 
>> different so that -I flag gets the proper value?
> Could you run /home/kostav/julia/contrib/julia-config.jl  --ldlibs and 
> tell me what it returns?
> Did you do a make install of Julia itself and are running out of that
> installed directory or are you running out of where it compiled or possibly
> simply copied the directories? That script assumes the former and I think
> maybe you're doing the latter.
> If so you can still use it, but you have to specify which julia so 
> something like this
> /home/kostav/julia/bin/julia  /home/kostav/julia/contrib/julia-config.jl 
>  --ldlibs
> is there any difference?  To get something working, cut-paste the output 
> to the
> semi-working step above
> to use in a Makefile modify to 
> $(shell /home/kostav/julia/bin/julia 
> /home/kostav/julia/contrib/julia-config.jl --cflags) 
> etc

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