On Monday, September 14, 2015 at 8:21:41 AM UTC-4, Joshua Ballanco wrote:

> I suppose you could also take the counter-counterpoint of LISP. People not 
> only built IDEs but entire *machines* tailored specifically to running and 
> debugging LISP, and it still hasn’t (really) caught on (yet). 

Yes, I used the Lisp Machines back in the early 80's at MIT, absolutely 
wonderful, Lisp everywhere, and it was all integrated with a *real* editor 
(Emacs!), that was written in Lisp as well (so very very easy to customize 
/ extend).
Way ahead of its time (or everything else was way behind)

> That said, I think the Clojure community provides a useful example for how 
> to approach the editor/IDE debate. All the early Clojure developers used 
> emacs, and much of the early community was either on emacs or vim (yes, 
> there were a few of us). In the intervening 7 or so years, though, as new 
> developers who were familiar with other IDEs entered the community, they 
> began projects to develop plugins for their IDE of choice. As such, Clojure 
> now has first-rate plugins for both Eclipse and IntelliJ. 
> It was really only later that projects were started to build “true” 
> Clojure IDEs, and still I don’t think any of these surpass (or even really 
> approach) the utility of the IDE plugins (the three IDEs of which I’m aware 
> are: LightTable, NightCode, and clooj). 
> One important element that allowed much of this for Clojure was the early 
> development of nREPL, the network-enabled REPL. With this, all editors/IDE 
> plugins stand on equal footing with access to the REPL. I noticed in the 
> code to REPL.jl there’s a function `start_repl_server`, but it doesn’t seem 
> to be used anywhere. 
> If I had to pick someplace to focus effort on improving tooling for Julia 
> in general, I’d look at improving/adding a network interface to the REPL. 

I thought Keno already had something like that?  (if it he doesn't already, 
I'm sure he could do it over the weekend, procrastinating a bit more on his 


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