Could this all be done as plug-ins to Atom?  Sounds easier than 
developing an IDE from scratch. 

> On 15 Sep 2015, at 1:40 am, Matt Bauman <> wrote:
> On Monday, September 14, 2015 at 9:44:07 AM UTC-4, Andrei Zh wrote:
> To continue Michael's answer, I think it would be nice to collect list of 
> most important features that existing editors for Julia still lack and think 
> out what can be improved. So far I've seen following features: 
>  * integrated debugger -- currently work in progress (Gallium.jl), so it may 
> change soon
>  * better integration with REPL -- AFAIK, Emacs is the only editor that has 
> this integration (via ESS mode) so far
>  * code refactoring 
>  * built-in documentation (in addition to Julia's own help system, I suppose)
>  * built-in plots
> This doesn't look like a huge list. If this is what is needed for 
> non-programmers to work with Julia without pain, I'd say we have a good 
> chances to get it. 
> If you look carefully, you'll see work progressing on each and every one of 
> these projects, in some cases very rapidly.
> * The new 0.4 documentation allows all sorts of access and search features 
> with extremely little amounts of code.
> * Refactoring:
> * UI: There are two predominant threads of work, one in GTK and one in Blink 
> (JS-enabled web-like DOM windows).  Take a look at the new Immerse.jl and 
> * There's also interesting work in terminals themselves, making the REPL more 
> full-featured there.  Take a look at TerminalExtensions.jl for iTerm2 on OS 
> X: you can display arbitrary images (like plots) inline and capture 
> backtraces in order to open an editor directly to the error with a 
> double-click.
> It's only a matter of time before more of these things come together.  I 
> think it's really exciting!

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