On 17 September 2015 at 14:57, Tom Breloff <t...@breloff.com> wrote:

> Now that Sublime has been mentioned a couple times... that's what I use
> exclusively now.  I do all my code in Sublime Text 3, and then have a
> separate window with a julia prompt and a terminal which I do any
> git-stuff.
> My question... can anyone convince me why I should switch to Atom?
> Everyone seems to talk about it as the only viable option... what am I
> missing?

For me Atom is only a small epsilon improvement on Sublime. I chose it
because it has Git integration and because it is open source. That's it.
Besides that, everything awesome and great about Atom was directly copied
from Sublime.

Oh, and it's easier to give Atom to your non-computer-savy friend because
Atom has a GUI way to change settings.


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