>From browsing issues, it looks like the HttpServer.jl performance issue you
referenced below should be now fixed by

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 5:47 AM Páll Haraldsson <pall.haralds...@gmail.com>

> On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 11:07:56 PM UTC, Andrei Zh wrote:
>>> I find this statement highly surprising.. wander if you meant to reverse
>>> this.. My quant friend who had worked for years in Python had trouble
>>> parallelizing Python code (may be resolved now..). I'm not familiar with R,
>>> but Python has the GIL and associated problems. I also thought Erlang was
>>> best-in-class (for concurrent, not "parallel").
>> Oops, you are right, it's exactly the opposite. Consider it a result of
>> quick answer between 2 meetings. Julia's capabilities are much better for
>> concurrent and parallel programming than these in Python or R.
> But "probably comparable with Erlang" was not an error, taken
> conservatively, you are probably talking about what pure benchmark numbers
> of concurrency (only) might indicate. I believe Erlang has more (than
> speed) currently not in Julia, while not better for non-concurrency related.
>> For those in the Java/Scala world, I'm less sure about reusing that, I
>>> know you can with JavaCall.jl, but understand there are bugs and
>>> limitations to it.
>> Unfortunately, that's true. @aviks has made a great work connecting Julia
>> to JVMs via Java Native Interface, but as far as I can see, JNI is shitty
>> by itself, and it's very hard to to make integration between Julia and Java
>> really stable.
> Even if this would work perfectly, I'm not sure (most) Julia (or Java?)
> users would want to mix (I guess ok for truly good/critical libraries..) at
> least for GUI/enterprise applications.. At least for me, it seems involving
> a JVM or any VM, is outdated.. Yes, Julia has LLVM, but it's not the same.
>> "HttpServer.jl, has low latency 0.5 ms and high throughput (latency on
>>> the same order of Python's Flask and Scala's Spray mature frameworks, and
>>> throughput also comparable[82])."
>> That's funny, because specified reference leads to an issue on
>> performance that was opened by me and incorrectly interpreted by the author
>> of Wikipedia page. At that test Julia outperformed Flask, but was still 3-6
>> times slower than Spray.
> Good throughput, but very high latency
> https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HttpServer.jl/issues/48
> "At the same time, with even very naive test in Python (using requests
> library) I was able to get 1.3ms, and with Julia (Requests.jl) it was even
> lower - about 0.5ms per request."
> Then the issue was closed. It seems Julia can have low latency (are Flask
> and Splay [numbers, for it and throughput] considered best-in-class, at
> least for those language?). Splay has "< 1 ms" so unclear how much better,
> it may be. It seems you do not dispute the low latency claim of Julia [on
> the WP page] (any more)?
> Do you only disagree, then only, with the "high throughput" of
> Julia/[HttpServer.jl] (and would only change high->good)? [With 1000
> threads] Julia beats Flask, "comparable", while a third of Splay. Maybe
> within an order of magnitude is not comparable.. Not sure about the 6 times
> slower number.
> I haven't looked to closely at Requests.jl, so I do not know the
> differences between it and HttpServer.jl are other libraries. It really
> only matters that one library gets good throughput and then you can use
> that one?
>> Seems like I need to repeat my tests to get latest results.
> It would be interesting to know if the numbers have improved..
>> I didn't check if this works the same, or just similarly?
>> They have totally different APIs and approaches in general. The main
>> point is that if you want to keep it working with updated version of Julia
>> and libraries, you have to adapt web application too. And it's really not
>> funny to come back to a code written half a year ago just because libraries
>> it used are now deprecated.
> Yes, see your point.. I guess the stuff still works it it ever did.. I see
> for plots that there is a generic package that is supposed to hide the
> differences of six (by now) different plotting packages.. You say the API
> is totally different, I wander how difficult or stupid it is to support old
> APIs here in some way..

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