On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 4:50 PM,  <amik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Yichao, you have been of inestimable help. Everything works up to
> one detail (that I do not necessarily need to solve, but just for the
> record):
> macro operator_obs(name)
>     nname = symbol("$name")
>     dname = symbol(".$name")
>     return quote
>         function $(esc(nname))(m1::M, m2::M)
>             return M($(esc(dname))(m1.a, m2.a), $(esc(dname))(m1.b, m2.b))
>         end
>     end
> end
> ol = [+, -, *, /, ^]

Use `ol = [:+, :-, :*, :/, :^]` instead (you might need parenthesis,
e.g. `:(+)` for some symbol, (e.g. =, or == IIRC))
You are splicing the element in the AST and you want to splice the
symbol and not the function object. print the type of `name` in the
macro to see the difference.

Also, unless you are only using this macro on a function you already
import to the module that use this macro, you'd better fully quantify
the name instead. `Base.$(name)` (the esc should not be necessary
here) Ref https://github.com/andrewcooke/AutoHashEquals.jl/pull/1/files

> for o in ol
>     @eval @operator_obs($o)
> end
> That's the final solution, the purpose of nname in the macro is because, for
> some obscure reason, Julia complains if I keep using $(esc(name)) as the
> function name, although I can use it inside the macro everywhere else. And
> it works if I try with dot operators like .+... I do not quite understand
> that part to be honest.

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