While this topic is active, can anyone suggest how this can be incorporated 
with docstrings to add help entries to the newly generated methods?

On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 5:22:24 AM UTC-5, Greg Plowman wrote:
> I have exactly the same requirement. 
> Additionally, I often have more than 2 fields and also change the fields 
> of my custom types.
> So I use a slightly more general version of the above:
> function CompositeBinaryOp(T::Symbol, op::Symbol)
>     expressions = [ :($op(x1.$field, x2.$field)) for field in 
> fieldnames(eval(T)) ]
>     body = Expr(:call, T, expressions...)
>     quote
>         function $op(x1::$T, x2::$T)
>             return $body
>         end
>     end
> end
> type M
>     a
>     b
> end
> import Base: +, -, *, /, ^
> for T in [:M]
>     for op in [:+, :-, :*, :/, :^]
>         #eval(CompositeBinaryOp(T, op))
>         code = CompositeBinaryOp(T, op)
>         println(code, "\n")
>         eval(code)
>     end
> end
> The advantage here for me is that I can change the fields (number, type 
> order etc.) and operators don't need manual updating.
> I have similar functions for copy constructors, unary operators etc.

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