I didn't know of "$($x)" to interpolate inside stirng inside expresion, 

This also works:

macro foo_op(op)
        dot_op = symbol(".$($op)")
        docstr = "`$($op)` also works for `Foo` types!"
        function Base.$op(a::Foo, b::Foo)
            Foo(dot_op(a.x, b.x))
        @doc Markdown.parse(docstr) Base.$op

El miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015, 11:19:24 (UTC-6), Michael Hatherly 
> If the macro returns a single documentable expression, such as a function 
> or type, then you shouldn’t need to do anything special, just add an @doc 
> to the for-loop that generates the methods.
> If the macro returns a block expression then you need to tell the 
> docsystem how you’d like to handle it. Use Base.@__doc__ to mark the 
> subexpression you’d like to document in expression returned by the macro. 
> See this section of the manual, 
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/documentation/#macro-generated-code,
> for an example. Something like the following should work for the code in 
> this thread:
> macro operator_obs(name)
>     M = esc(:M)
>     n = esc(name)
>     d = esc(symbol(".", name))
>     quote
>         import Base: $n
>         Base.@__doc__ $(n)(m_1::$M, m_2::$M) = $(M)($(d)(m_1.a, m_2.a), 
> $(d)(m_1.b, m_2.b))
>     end
> end
> for op in [:+, :-, :*, :/]
>     @eval begin
>         @doc "`$($op)` docs for type `M`." ->
>         @operator_obs $op
>     end
> end
> help?> M(1, 2) + M(2, 3)
>   + docs for type M.
> help?> M(1, 2) / M(2, 3)
>   / docs for type M.
> Documenting code generated by a function, rather than a macro, isn’t going 
> to be as clean though. You’d need to use @doc after defining the code, 
> perhaps something like:
> for op in [:+, :-, :*, :/]
>     @eval begin
>         operator_obs($op)
>         @doc "`$($op)` docs for type `M`." $(op)(::M, ::M)
>     end
> end
> to add docs to the correct op method.
> — Mike
> ​
> On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 17:41:36 UTC+2, j verzani wrote:
>> While this topic is active, can anyone suggest how this can be 
>> incorporated with docstrings to add help entries to the newly generated 
>> methods?
>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 5:22:24 AM UTC-5, Greg Plowman wrote:
>>> I have exactly the same requirement. 
>>> Additionally, I often have more than 2 fields and also change the fields 
>>> of my custom types.
>>> So I use a slightly more general version of the above:
>>> function CompositeBinaryOp(T::Symbol, op::Symbol)
>>>     expressions = [ :($op(x1.$field, x2.$field)) for field in 
>>> fieldnames(eval(T)) ]
>>>     body = Expr(:call, T, expressions...)
>>>     quote
>>>         function $op(x1::$T, x2::$T)
>>>             return $body
>>>         end
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> type M
>>>     a
>>>     b
>>> end
>>> import Base: +, -, *, /, ^
>>> for T in [:M]
>>>     for op in [:+, :-, :*, :/, :^]
>>>         #eval(CompositeBinaryOp(T, op))
>>>         code = CompositeBinaryOp(T, op)
>>>         println(code, "\n")
>>>         eval(code)
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> The advantage here for me is that I can change the fields (number, type 
>>> order etc.) and operators don't need manual updating.
>>> I have similar functions for copy constructors, unary operators etc.

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