I wrapped FireRender.jl <https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/FireRender.jl>, 
which uses FireRays 
do the hit detection.
The C-Interface of FireRender was very nice to wrap and got me started very 
quickly, so i expect it to be the same for FireRays (which sounds more like 
the library you'd like to target). If you use Clang.jl 
<https://github.com/ihnorton/Clang.jl>, you should be up to speed quickly!
It's very fast and cross platform, as they use OpenCL.
Since I'm already familiar with everything involved, I could help to get 
you started.


Am Freitag, 25. März 2016 14:54:01 UTC+1 schrieb jw3126:
> I need to do things like building a simple geometry which consists of a 
> few polygons, cylinders, spheres and calculate if/where rays hit these 
> objects.
> Is there some julia library which does this already? Or some easy to wrap 
> C/Fortran library? Any suggestions?
> I would prefer a solution, which does not depend on vectorization, but can 
> be called efficiently as part of a loop, one ray at a time.

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