Sorry for the shameless plug for my own package, but maybe CxxWrap.jl could 
help here:

It was recently registered and works on Julia 0.4 and 0.5. If it seems like 
an option for you, I could help you get started to write the wrapper.



On Friday, April 1, 2016 at 11:25:50 AM UTC+2, Simon Danisch wrote:
> Sorry, totally forgot to reply. Well, Cxx only works with a differently 
> compiled julia, which is why I'm not using it yet to wrap user facing 
> libraries. There a few half backed plans to support ray tracing for hit 
> detection at some point... But preferably on the GPU, maybe simply with 
> FireRay;)
> It seems that the official FireRays 
> <> repo currently 
> can't be build on my system (Ubuntu 14.04), though there is already an 
> issue about this. 
> If there is only a C++ API, what kind of trouble does that mean for trying 
> to wrap it with julia? Is it impossible? Very hacky? Need to look into 
> llvm? Bad performance?
> Also what about your GeometryTypes 
> <> package? I saw there 
> a type 'Particle', are there any plans to support ray tracing in that 
> package or on top of it?
> On Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 12:30:14 PM UTC+2, Simon Danisch wrote:
>> Oh, contrary to FireRender, FireRay seems to only have a C++ API...
>> There's also
>> and, though!
>> Am Freitag, 25. März 2016 14:54:01 UTC+1 schrieb jw3126:
>>> I need to do things like building a simple geometry which consists of a 
>>> few polygons, cylinders, spheres and calculate if/where rays hit these 
>>> objects.
>>> Is there some julia library which does this already? Or some easy to 
>>> wrap C/Fortran library? Any suggestions?
>>> I would prefer a solution, which does not depend on vectorization, but 
>>> can be called efficiently as part of a loop, one ray at a time.

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