Thanks for the feedback Kristoffer. Glad you’ve found the package useful!

Re: assuming certain knowledge. I think that for a very new package
such as this it’s definitely alright to make a fair number of assumptions. 
forward I’ll be looking to expand those bits that have, until now, been 
glossed over and
start to make things more beginner-friendly, to a certain extent.

— Mike
On Sunday, 19 June 2016 01:00:00 UTC+2, Kristoffer Carlsson wrote:
> My view is that the README was perfectly fine. What do people think that 
> the image that says [docs - stable] is there for if not for clicking and 
> being taking to the docs..? They also share the same form as all the other 
> badges which are clickable to go to the coverage, testing status etc. 
> I have used Documenter in a few of my packages and it was really simple to 
> set up the whole thing since the documentation explains everything so 
> clearly. There are also multiple other packages that uses Documenter that 
> are linked from the documentation so you can just go and look how they did 
> stuff if there are still questions. Also, this package is for users who are 
> developing packages so assuming a decent amount of knowledge of general 
> Julia stuff is in my view fair game.
> Just wanted to add my feedback so that multiple inputs are heard.
> On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 12:01:54 AM UTC+2, Michael Hatherly wrote:
>> It honestly did not cross my mind that those pictures were links.
>> To me they shout click me, but I *really* do understand the issue you’re
>> highlighting Daniel. I’m busy updating the page to add some real links.
>> Thank you for pointing it out, much appreciated! I think we can safely
>> wrap up that part of the conversation.
>> Blaming the user all the time is not going to lead to good documentation. 
>> I am giving you user feedback.
>> That’s not my intention, apologies if that came across that way. I’ve 
>> simply
>> written the docs for the package with a set of assumptions in my mind 
>> about
>> what knowledge is already available elsewhere. I’ll definitely make use 
>> of your
>> feedback and improve/clarify the parts the need it. Thank you.
>> This is bad documentation design. And I have been reading Julia 
>> documentation for years. I have never heard of Julia having a built-in 
>> Markdown processor.
>> I’ll be adding a link to the relevant docs in the Julia manual. The 
>> markdown parser
>> has been part of Base since 0.4 was released and is mentioned in the 
>> Documentation 
>> <>
>> section of the manual. If things could be clearer in that section then 
>> please open
>> an issue or PR so that that can be fixed.
>> It SHOULD teach the basics of Markdown.
>> I believe that we are probably just going to disagree one this one. A 
>> link to
>> the relevant information is fine for something like this. I wouldn’t 
>> expect
>> every single thing that I read to begin from first principles. That’s 
>> just how
>> I prefer to read things, though that’s probably just a personal thing. 
>> I’d be
>> fine with a PR to add a basic syntax tutorial if you’d like.
>> what flavour of Markdown
>> That’s discussed in the main Julia docs 
>> <>.
>> ------------------------------
>> If I’ve still not addressed things enough, could a ask you to open some 
>> issues
>> in the Documenter.jl repo please? A long email thread is the best place 
>> for
>> these kind of important issues to get lost in and never get resolved 
>> properly.
>> Even if it’s just a couple of one-liner issues that would make fixing 
>> these
>> much easier for me. Thanks.
>> Once again, thank you for taking the time to discuss this. I know your 
>> time,
>> just like my own, is limited and could be being spent on other things.
>> — Mike
>> ​
>> On Saturday, 18 June 2016 22:56:45 UTC+2, Daniel Carrera wrote:
>>> On 18 June 2016 at 18:34, Michael Hatherly <> wrote:
>>>> Here is the entire section from the raw file
>>>> “Raw file” is the key here: those are image links below the sentence. 
>>>> Look at
>>>> the rendered version on the GitHub repo rather and you’ll be able to 
>>>> see the
>>>> docs badges correctly. That’s the most common way people will be 
>>>> browsing for
>>>> packages. I can try make those more obvious/informative in their raw 
>>>> form though.
>>> Of course I began with the rendered file on the browser. It honestly did 
>>> not cross my mind that those pictures were links. My eyes just moved past 
>>> them like background noise every time I looked at this page. Please don't 
>>> use buttons or icons to serve the purpose of links. Really. These are basic 
>>> usability standards. If you meant to have a link, use a link. Please, trust 
>>> me on that.
>>>> without a link in the README
>>>> There are links in the README.
>>> It took a conversation with you over several emails for me to "find" 
>>> those links. This really isn't good. I'm sorry, but it isn't. I doubt that 
>>> I will be the only person who will not interpret those little pictures as 
>>> links that I'm supposed to click on to get the documentation. And really, 
>>> what do those pictures really say? They say "docs|stable" and 
>>> "docs|latest". How the heck is that supposed to mean "click here"? It 
>>> sounds like you are labelling the present README (the one I'm looking at) 
>>> as the stable and the latest. Those pictures look like badges.
>>>> it is standard for Julia packages to have a short introduction and 
>>>> documentation in the README.
>>>> I’m aware of what some packages chose to do. I have chosen to provide 
>>>> very
>>>> clear links to the documentation instead.
>>> Your "very clear links" were missed by me multiple times, and were 
>>> missed by Mauro, and I swear that I would have continued to miss them if 
>>> you had not told me in this email that those pictures are links. They do 
>>> not loo like links. These are *NOT* very clear links. They really really 
>>> are not.
>>> I just did a test. I gave my laptop to my wife and asked her to find the 
>>> documentation. She said "good question, I have no idea". Then I pointed at 
>>> the little pictures and said "would you believe that those are links that 
>>> take you to the documentation?" and she said "no, I would not have guessed 
>>> that". So there are at least three people in the universe that did not 
>>> think that you had clear links. That means that there are probably more, 
>>> and the links aren't as clear as you imagine.
>>>> I would say that part of the reason
>>>> that packages make use of the README for their documentation is that 
>>>> there
>>>> have not been many other viable options. To me a README should provide 
>>>> more
>>>> developer-orientated details of a project, that’s just my view though :)
>>> Julia is a programming languages. We are all developers. The nature of 
>>> GitHub is that when you go to the GitHub page of a project you see an HTML 
>>> rendering of the README file. This makes the README file the effecting 
>>> *front* *page* for the project, and every project that uses GitHub should 
>>> treat it as such. The README is literally the first thing that your users 
>>> are going to see about your project. This isn't even a Julia thing, it's a 
>>> Github thing. I just searched for Python projects on Github and look:
>>> Try other Github projects. The README is just the front page in Github 
>>> and you have to accept that that is how Github uses the README file.
>>> If you saw that line then “guessed” can’t really be the right word.
>>>> I’ll add a more clear point in the introduction though.
>>> "Guessed" is exactly the right word. And the guess was based partly on 
>>> my previous knowledge that Markdown is often used in Julia. The line *does* 
>>> *not* say that you can have Markdown inside docstrings. You are expecting 
>>> people to imagine stuff. Blaming the user all the time is not going to lead 
>>> to good documentation. I am giving you user feedback.
>>>> use markdown syntax inside docstrings
>>>> That is covered by the main Julia manual.
>>> How so? How is that even possible? Are you telling me that Julia comes 
>>> with a built-in Markdown processor? If that is the case, that is really 
>>> news to me, and it makes me wonder what your module is contributing then. I 
>>> thought you were providing a Markdown processor. And if you are not, 
>>> doesn't that show that your documentation has failed at conveying what your 
>>> module provides?
>>>> A link could be provided to that, but
>>>> generally the route potential users should be taking is to read the 
>>>> Julia
>>>> manual first and then go looking for packages that they need.
>>> This is bad documentation design. And I have been reading Julia 
>>> documentation for years. I have never heard of Julia having a built-in 
>>> Markdown processor.
>>>> If I didn’t already know some Markdown
>>>> Yes, a link could be provided to resources that teach markdown. I’d be 
>>>> fine
>>>> with that, but Documenter’s manual is not the place to teach markdown 
>>>> syntax
>>>> from scratch.
>>> It SHOULD teach the basics of Markdown. It should not teach *all* of 
>>> Markdown, but if Markdown is at the core of what it does then it definitely 
>>> needs to talk about it. If I was doing this, I would have a short section 
>>> titled Markdown where I say that this module implements XYZ flavour of 
>>> Markdown, show an example text (a heading, a sub-heading, a couple of 
>>> lists, bold, italic, underlined -- just the basics) and then say "if you 
>>> want to learn more about XYZ Markdown, to go this page".
>>> I notice that in your email you still have not told me what flavour of 
>>> Markdown you have implemented (or is it in Julia?). Is this also something 
>>> that I am supposed to have inferred somehow?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel.

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