That was what I was feeling. That this was a legacy issue for lowercase 
type "constructors". Thanks so much.

On Monday, June 20, 2016 at 1:11:41 AM UTC-7, Mauro wrote:
> I think you should use the constructors if the user expects to construct 
> a certain type, e.g. `Dict()`.  Conversely if the user cares about the 
> action then use a function, e.g.: 
> julia> keys(Dict()) 
> Base.KeyIterator for a Dict{Any,Any} with 0 entries 
> here I don't care about the type, I just want to iterate the keys. 
> But of course, it's not that clear-cut: `linspace` has history, so does 
> `zeros`.  So, for a new container type I'd use the constructor `FooBar`. 
> On Sun, 2016-06-19 at 23:12, Gabriel Gellner < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I am currently making some container like types, so I am using the 
> > convention of studly caps for  the types ie `FooBar`. For usage I am 
> > confused on what the julian convention is for having expressive type 
> > constructors like for `Dict` and `DataFrame`, versus using methods like 
> > `linspace`. Clearly I could use either, but it is not clear to me when I 
> > should use one convention over the other. 
> > 
> > Clearly I can have my api be like: 
> > 
> > f = FooBar(...) 
> > 
> > or 
> > 
> > f = foobar() 
> > 
> > but is one preferred over the other? Is it just random when to use one 
> or 
> > the other when making container like types? 

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