Well, perhaps you're right, Frank.  These days a few meg one way or the 
other doesn't make much difference.  At least GDAL has a nice stable 
API, which encourages people to commit to depending on it.

Certainly the idea of having "One core API to rule them all" is 
appealing.  Perhaps someone will have time to sit down and look at the 
implications of moving JUMP closer to GeoTools.

The API instability is a huge issue, however, and IMO would have be 
addressed in a pragmatic way.  I'm guessing OJ would have to target a 
fixed version of GT for migration, and would not move quickly to new 
versions, even if there were important bug fixes.  The fixes would have 
to patched into the JUMP version of GT, I think.  So this means a fork 
of GT, in a minor, controlled way.  If there's a better strategy, it 
would be very interesting to hear it.

And then there's the issue of how close to stay to Vivid's branch of 
JUMP, and how to migrate all those plugins out there...  Tough issues.  
So perhaps the first step is to look at CT and/or I/O, using converters 
to paper over the Feature model difference.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Martin,
> The same can certainly be said of GDAL ... that using the least of
> it's services means you have to buy into several megabytes of .so/DLL.
> Yet this hasn't been a big barrier in the C world.  I would encourage
> accepting GeoTools as a prereq.
> I will conceed the JAI is an unpleasant requirement.  I have been
> frustrated by this every time I have made a feeble effort to work with
> GeoTools myself - and get the Java environment setup properly.
> I think your point about keeping the JUMP API approachable and stable
> is quite reasonable.
> Best regards,

Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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