
Maybe I can take a peek at the code in the library this week?


On 9/19/07, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, coders.
> Check out the FileDrop library for doing file drag-and-drop:
> The code is unlicensed and can be repackaged and used anywhere
> It's almost trivial to use - with one class FileDrop you can respond to
> file drop events on any Swing component.  It took me literally 5 minutes
> to implement file dropping in the JTS TestBuilder, using this code:
>  private void initFileDrop(Component comp) {
>    new FileDrop(comp, new FileDrop.Listener() {
>      public void filesDropped([] files) {
>        try {
>          openXmlFilesAndDirectories(files);
>        } catch (Exception ex) {
>          reportException(null, ex);
>        }
>      }
>    });
>  }
> With this, I can see adding file dropping in two places in OJ:
> - dropping onto a Task (Project) window would load the dataset(s) into
> that Task
> - dropping onto the top OJ frame would create a new task and load the
> dataset(s) into it
> This is a perfect example of where modularizing into View and Model is
> important.  The file loading/task creation code should be in the model
> module, where it can be called from many different view gestures (menu
> items and drop events, in this case).
> Anyone keen to give this a go?
> --
> Martin Davis
> Senior Technical Architect
> Refractions Research, Inc.
> (250) 383-3022
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