That'd be great.   The FileDrop code is almost trivial - the trick will 
be figuring out where and how to patch it into JUMP.  One thing that 
will be needed I think is a mapping from file extensions to DataSource 
types (AFAIK that's not present now).

I'd volunteer myself, but right now all my open source hours are taken 
up with JTS stuff...


Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> Martin,
> Maybe I can take a peek at the code in the library this week?
> SS
> On 9/19/07, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey, coders.
>> Check out the FileDrop library for doing file drag-and-drop:
>> The code is unlicensed and can be repackaged and used anywhere
>> It's almost trivial to use - with one class FileDrop you can respond to
>> file drop events on any Swing component.  It took me literally 5 minutes
>> to implement file dropping in the JTS TestBuilder, using this code:
>>  private void initFileDrop(Component comp) {
>>    new FileDrop(comp, new FileDrop.Listener() {
>>      public void filesDropped([] files) {
>>        try {
>>          openXmlFilesAndDirectories(files);
>>        } catch (Exception ex) {
>>          reportException(null, ex);
>>        }
>>      }
>>    });
>>  }
>> With this, I can see adding file dropping in two places in OJ:
>> - dropping onto a Task (Project) window would load the dataset(s) into
>> that Task
>> - dropping onto the top OJ frame would create a new task and load the
>> dataset(s) into it
>> This is a perfect example of where modularizing into View and Model is
>> important.  The file loading/task creation code should be in the model
>> module, where it can be called from many different view gestures (menu
>> items and drop events, in this case).
>> Anyone keen to give this a go?
>> --
>> Martin Davis
>> Senior Technical Architect
>> Refractions Research, Inc.
>> (250) 383-3022
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
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