On 26.07.2010 08:58, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> Hi,
> I made a very quick test and here are first results:
> - Installation was successful by following the instructions. It means, unzip. 
> Easy.
> - Virtual serial port must exist before launching OpenJUMP. If OJ is running 
> and virtual serial port is created later the plugin will not find it.

I put that on my todo list, in case there is a second round for extension 

> - Adding points successful. You can add point to any editable OpenJUMP layer. 
>  Just select the layer and add a point. Simple.

Unfortunately not necessarily where the crosshair is ;) .. that is always in 
the viewports centre (hence only the position if tracking is enabled). This is 
also on the todo list.

> - EX Buttons is a good pair with GPS plugin because it gives a button and 
> shortcut key for adding points. EZ Buttons cannot show the status of GPS 
> plugin, though.  Pressing a button does not do anything if GPS tracking in 
> not active, naturally.

Only heard of EZ Buttons until now. Are they a default plugin? The status is 
always on the bottom left corner of the status bar. How else would you like it?

> - I can't guess what "Set task to track" should do. Now I am not sure if it 
> is doing anything.

projects are called tasks internally. If you have open two projects you can 
select which one viewport is tracked. Should be translated better, right.

> - "Insert point from GPS" is a bit odd tool. User must have a line or polygon 
> selected and then the plugin inserts more points somewhere in between the 
> geometry. I would have more use for Start digitising a line/polygon tool 
> without a need to have something ready on a map.

May this should be call append point, as it appends a point to an selected 
existing geometry. This way you can not only capture but "digitize" on the fly. 
(Add Point -> Convert geometry (eg. linestring for a street) -> Append Point)

> Now I think I would measure an area by adding just points from GPS and 
> digitising a polygon manually with snapping on later.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-

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