Hi Edgar,

I've tested gps.ext_0.2rc1.zip under Debian Lenny 32bit, OJ 1.3.1 G-Rays 
WBT 201 over Bluetooth. Nice work and truely usefull for me :-)

- You should check "gps.ext_0.2rc1/lib/ext/rxtx/win32/Verkn?pfung mit 
win32.lnk", because until unzip I get a warning. No problem for me, but 
may be for endusers ;-)

- After starting OJ I get for about 80 seconds the OJ splashscreen 
without any hint what is OJ doing. I know that you scan for devices, but 
this should be done in background.

- The exception below is thrown if I disable the "GPS Tracker" checkbox. 
If I reenable it, GPS tracking runs.

Loading de.soldin.jump.gps.GPSExtension
Loading de.hawhamburg.sridsupport.SRIDSupportExtension
Loading net.refractions.postgis.PostGISConfiguration
GPS Extension is in: 
GPS (de.soldin.jump.gps) base is: 
GPS Extension is in: 
GPS (de.soldin.jump.gps) libs are in: 
SwixML 1.5 (#149)
GPS Extension is in: 
RXTX Loader on: 'Linux' 'i386'
RXTX libraryPath is set to: '/data/home/mscholz/openjump/bin/../lib/ext'
Could not find: 
RXTX succeeded loading: 
WARNING:  RXTX Version mismatch
        Jar version = RXTX-2.2pre2_loader
        native lib Version = RXTX-2.2-20081207 Cloudhopper Build 
[ERROR][org.dinopolis.gpstool.gpsinput.nmea.GPSNmeaDataProcessor] - 
ERROR: Exception thrown on creation or processing of NMEA sentences:
[ERROR][org.dinopolis.gpstool.gpsinput.nmea.GPSNmeaDataProcessor] - 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid NMEA Sentence (no '*'): 
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

- Adding points from GPS is OK. For the future it would be nice if we 
have a automatic mode for adding point depending on time or distance.

- It is possible, that the connection to the device goes broken until  
OJ runs(Bluetooth problems etc).  The user should see a non technical 
message and not the

gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Linux Application
        at gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.open(CommPortIdentifier.java:467)

for example.

- Under Linux it is a problem if you try to access the serial device 
more than once. So the "Test settings" button in the options should be 
disabled if GPS tracking is running.

- And finaly reprojection coordinates would be nice, but I know ....



> With some delay, I expected to have it done earlier, you might find an 
> updated version of the gps extension on sourceforge.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jump-pilot/files/p_GPS%20Extension/
> Features are:
> - use of serial gps devices (garmin,nmea,sirf)
> - tracking of selected tasks
> - creating/adding points from gps coordinate
> I'd appreciate anybody testing the extension and coming back with feedback or 
> bugs. A known limitation right now is that reprojection of gps coordinates is 
> broken (cts extension usage). This means coordinates from gps will for now 
> always be in the datum of the gps receiver is configured to output. I am 
> working it.
> .. kind regards ede
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