Stefan mentioned that there isn't a road map for OJ, but is there a 
place to jot down improvement ideas?

Here are a couple on my wishlist:

1) The ability to specify which columns are editable in an layer's 
attribute table.  Right now, the FID and geometry column are hard-coded 
as being the only columns that are not editable.  I would like to see 
this driven off the layer's FeatureSchema.  Perhaps there could be a 
"isAttributeReadOnly(int attributeIndex)" method added to the 
FeatureSchema that could be used in LayerTableModel.isCellEditable(int 
rowIndex, int columnIndex).

Primary key attributes that belong to a DynamicFeatureCollection driven 
off a database is one example of a non-editable column.

2) The ability to customize the tooltips for previously installed 
plugins on a layer's right click context menu.  For example, I could 
have a custom implementation of a Layer that is backed by a custom 
FeatureCollection.  If I mark the layer as readonly, the "Editable" menu 
item is correctly greyed-out.  The tooltip says something like "This 
layer cannot be made editable."   The menu item is greyed-out ... 
obviously it's not editable.  I would like to change the tooltip to 
explain *why* the menu item is greyed-out ... which is particular to my 
custom FeatureCollection.

"No Primary Key found on the underlying database table"
"Adhoc queries cannot be made editable"
"SQL Server DataStores cannot currently be made editable"

3) A new UpdatablePlugIn interface with methods like getPluginVersion(), 
getPluginURL().  All implementations of the interface could be listed in 
the extensions tag in the About window.  A user could choose to update a 
selected plugin where a new plugin jar and all the jar's dependencies 
would automatically download, available upon application restart.  I 
know, I know.  This would require a huge framework and lots of developer 
time, but it sure would be nice to have.

-- Kevin

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