On 9/7/2010 7:38 AM, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> Stefan,
> ... I have used Log4j before,
> and it seemed a little complicated.

I find the log4j.properties variant complicated as well.  But the 
log4j.xml [1] configuration variant I find fairly straight forward [2].  
I can include/exclude log messages from particular java packages and log 

> I wonder if just having the
> ability to write messages to a simple plain-text log file would
> suffice.

Which is one of many output appenders available to log4j :)  I agree, 
this is what I would recommend.  From user's perspective, one can submit 
the log file when posting a bug report.  We can even include a parameter 
in the JUMP launcher that would temporarily set the log priority to 
debug or even verbose to help with bug reports.

My 2 cents,
-- Kevin

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/Log4jXmlFormat
[2] http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/Log4jXmlFormat#Example_2

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