Good job Matthias!

Thank you Larry and Michael for all the feedback and testing. We'd be
in trouble without your participation and input.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Larry Becker <> wrote:
> I have done some testing on the latest charset changes committed by
> Matthias.  They work for me.  I tested project and shapefile loading and
> saving and it didn't break anything for me.  The dialog changes look good.
> Matthias is doing some nice work.  I can barely keep up with the pace of
> change lately.  8-)
> Larry
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Sunburned Surveyor
> <> wrote:
>> Michael wrote: "I think our shapefile driver is a bit old and may not
>> have a perfect
>> design, but it has been tuned year after year by several of us, charset
>> option being the last improvement, so that before changing to another,
>> it would be useful to test/compare extensively capabilities, speed,
>> memory-efficiency..."
>> Thank you for this feedback. A few months back I was trying to find a
>> way to access features from a Shapefile without reading the whole
>> Shapefile into memory. That is why I started looking at the GeoTools
>> code, which could use some tuning. Maybe I need to take another look
>> at our JUMP Shapefile I/O code. You should be able to get into the
>> guts of that code to wire up single feature access?
>> Michael wrote: "Ah, is it another idea or is it Matthias proposition ? I
>> thought
>> Matthias wanted to associate the charset to each layer."
>> I didn't intend to suggest an alternative. If we are storing the
>> charset by layer, which makes sense, is this information is still
>> being stored in the project file?
>> Michael wrote: "I thing default charset used by Matthias is the jvm
>> charset which itself
>> is the system host default charset."
>> Makes sense to me. Thanks for clarifying.
>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>> 2010/9/7 Michaël Michaud <>:
>> >  Le 07/09/2010 16:25, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
>> >> Matthias,
>> >>
>> >> I wonder if it might be worth checking out the current GeoTools code
>> >> for loading shapefiles, which already works with Charsets? I have done
>> >> some work on code that allows you to obtain JUMP feature objects from
>> >> th GeoTools shapefile driver.
>> > I think our shapefile driver is a bit old and may not have a perfect
>> > design, but it has been tuned year after year by several of us, charset
>> > option being the last improvement, so that before changing to another,
>> > it would be useful to test/compare extensively capabilities, speed,
>> > memory-efficiency...
>> >> It seems logical to store the last used charset with the project file.
>> > Ah, is it another idea or is it Matthias proposition ? I thought
>> > Matthias wanted to associate the charset to each layer.
>> >
>> > By the way, I think Matthias has already committed its changed. I only
>> > test the first commit.
>> > It would be useful to test it widely as reading shapefiles correctly is
>> > very important.
>> >> Did we decide to set a default charset?
>> > I thing default charset used by Matthias is the jvm charset which itself
>> > is the system host default charset.
>> >
>> > Michaël
>> >> The Sunburned Surveyor
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Matthias Scholz<>
>> >>  wrote:
>> >>> Hi Michaël,
>> >>> hi all other,
>> >>>
>> >>> sorry for my delay, but my internet connection was down at the
>> >>> weekend,
>> >>> so it was not possible for me to answer or commit any changes.
>> >>>
>> >>> 1. Charset setting for filednames
>> >>> I've seen, that my enhanchements do not include the fieldnames in the
>> >>> dbf header. To integrate the charset stuff for the filednames I had to
>> >>> change some method signatures (add Charset parameter). Because I do
>> >>> not
>> >>> know how is using the methods, I have build the "old"  methods as a
>> >>> wrapper which is calling the "new" one with charset option. I hope
>> >>> thats
>> >>> the right way. As example please see the constructor of
>> >>> org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFile.
>> >>> In DbfFile I've removed the get/setCharset methods because the
>> >>> filednames will be read within the constructor(DbfFile->init->for()
>> >>> loop
>> >>> at the end). And to read the fieldnames with one charset, then set an
>> >>> other one and read the data with that makes no sense for me.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 2. Save dataset as shapefile with charset settings
>> >>> If we have an option while opening, we should have an equivalent one
>> >>> while saving. But the save mechanism is not so simple as the open
>> >>> wizard. So there are more code changes required.
>> >>> In org.geotools.dbffile.DbfFileWriter added charset stuff.
>> >>> In
>> >>>
>> >>> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.datasource.InstallStandardDataSourceQueryChoosersPlugIn.addFileDataSourceQueryChoosers()
>> >>> I've added a combobox for the charset if we saving shapefiles. I don't
>> >>> if this is the right place or if this is a little bit ugly. In the
>> >>> future we should go a uniform way for such options. For GML as example
>> >>> we have a separate installer plugin. I would suggest a kind of save
>> >>> wizard(as the open file wizard and FileLoader options) where you can
>> >>> add
>> >>> simply options for save.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 3. org.openjump.OpenJumpConfiguration
>> >>> I've changed the key of the charset option. Now we use a non localized
>> >>> key. This is better for saving in the project configuration. On the
>> >>> other hand in
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> there is a nice mechanism for translating the option keys.  But this
>> >>> was
>> >>> not used/activated in line 168. I hope no one have a problem with the
>> >>> change in line 168.
>> >>> As a consquence I had to change the language key from
>> >>> "org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.charset" to
>> >>> "".
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 4. org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.layer.LayerPropertiesPlugIn
>> >>> I've added the view of the charset settings, if the datasource is a
>> >>> shapefile.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 5.
>> >>> In the read() method I've moved back the charset code outsite the "if
>> >>> (
>> >>> mydbf == null )" brunch,
>> >>> for reading the fieldnames with charset. The new code is "non-dbf"
>> >>> save
>> >>> too. I do not know before, that Shape files without Dbf files are
>> >>> possible. This was a new fact for me ;-)
>> >>> The getDbfFile() method I had to change for reading the fieldnames
>> >>> with
>> >>> a charset.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 6. Save/restore charset setting to/from project configuration
>> >>> I had nothing to do for that. The Option mechanism for
>> >>> FileLayerLoaders
>> >>> in combination with the OpenFileWizard do this automatically, if you
>> >>> add
>> >>> an Option :-)
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Regards
>> >>>
>> >>> Matthias
>> >>>
>> >>>>    Hi Matthias,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I just moved the setCharset statement of ShapefileReader after the
>> >>>> dbf
>> >>>> != null test, because otherwise it broke the reading of shapefiles
>> >>>> without dbf (which is not a very common case, but still a nice
>> >>>> feature)
>> >>>> If you want to check, I just commited.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Michaël
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Le 03/09/2010 23:50, Michaël Michaud a écrit :
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>     Hi Matthias,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> Can you give me some information about how it is supposed to work.
>> >>>>>> Am I
>> >>>>>> supposed to get a panel with a charset option for any shapefile
>> >>>>>> loading ?
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>> Sorry for that question, I did not launch the new compiled version.
>> >>>>> I
>> >>>>> know get the charset choice dialog.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Thanks,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Michaël
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> 2) if we want to keep java 5 compatibility, you have to use new
>> >>>>>> String(byte[], int, int, String) instead of new String(byte[], int,
>> >>>>>> int,
>> >>>>>> Charset) on line 264
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> 3) about your proposition of saving the charset in the project when
>> >>>>>> different from default jvm charset : Seems a good idea to me.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Michaël
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Le 03/09/2010 20:34, Matthias Scholz a écrit :
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Hi,
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> sorry my mistake. I have it only tested with open and open recent
>> >>>>>>> ;-) In
>> >>>>>>> the SVN it is fixed for the first time, but there is a general
>> >>>>>>> question
>> >>>>>>> and I want to hear the other developers/users. If I open a
>> >>>>>>> shapefile
>> >>>>>>> with a special charset setting for the first time, it would be
>> >>>>>>> logic for
>> >>>>>>> me, if we save the charset setting for this file in the project.
>> >>>>>>> So if
>> >>>>>>> the user opens this file again with the project, the file will be
>> >>>>>>> opened
>> >>>>>>> with the same charset.
>> >>>>>>> Should I implement this or have anyone an other suggestion?
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Regards
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Matthias
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> Nice feature, but it is going to take a little more work.  It
>> >>>>>>>> currently breaks shapefile loading from a project file and the
>> >>>>>>>> lright-click on layer legacy method "Load Dataset".  I think you
>> >>>>>>>> need
>> >>>>>>>> to set a default charset on start up.
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> regards,
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> Larry
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null charset name
>> >>>>>>>>         at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(
>> >>>>>>>>         at java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>$1.executeQuery(
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>$1.executeQuery(
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.task.TaskMonitorManager$
>> >>>>>>>>         at
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Matthias Scholz<
>> >>>>>>>> <>>      wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         Hi,
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         I've commited some little changes for selecting an other
>> >>>>>>>> charset while
>> >>>>>>>>         opening an ESRI shapefile.
>> >>>>>>>>         Thank you Michael and Stefan for your hints to the wizard
>> >>>>>>>> framework.
>> >>>>>>>>         Thereby the code changes was very small and consitent :-)
>> >>>>>>>> On the other
>> >>>>>>>>         hand Michael is right with his opinion about the wizard
>> >>>>>>>> framework.
>> >>>>>>>>         Without good documentation you need many hours to
>> >>>>>>>> understand and
>> >>>>>>>>         implement such options for file loading.
>> >>>>>>>>         Please take a look at my changes and tell me your
>> >>>>>>>> opinion.
>> >>>>>>>>         In the language files (en and de) I've added a
>> >>>>>>>>         "org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.charset" key.
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         Regards
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         Matthias
>> >>>>>>>>         >        Le 30/08/2010 18:50, Stefan Steiniger a écrit :
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      Hei,
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      not sure, but wasn't the idea of the wizard that
>> >>>>>>>> several
>> >>>>>>>>         dialogs can be
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      displayed after each other?
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >      You're right Stefan, this is the idea of this
>> >>>>>>>> wizard
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      wouldn't that work for you too?
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >      I found it was not very easy to use the wizard
>> >>>>>>>> framework to add
>> >>>>>>>>         options
>> >>>>>>>>         >      to an open file dialog box, but I think this is
>> >>>>>>>> the way to go if
>> >>>>>>>>         we want
>> >>>>>>>>         >      to have something consistent in OpenJUMP
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      Though I am not sure which loader uses that
>> >>>>>>>> option currently.
>> >>>>>>>>         But it
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      looks like the "WMS Layer" option does that. (you
>> >>>>>>>> see not a
>> >>>>>>>>         "finish" but
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      a "next" button)
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >      I used it to make a text/csv/wkt format driver
>> >>>>>>>> with some options.
>> >>>>>>>>         >      You can also find my code here :
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>         >      Michaël
>> >>>>>>>>         >
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      stefan
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>      Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>         >>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>      I don't see any problems with your approach. Is
>> >>>>>>>> the idea to
>> >>>>>>>>         allow the
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>      charset of the shapefile to be selected from the
>> >>>>>>>> new JComboBox?
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>      Landon
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>      On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 3:03 AM, Matthias
>> >>>>>>>>         Scholz<<>>
>> >>>>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      Hi,
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      in the last few weeks i had some problems with
>> >>>>>>>> different
>> >>>>>>>>         charsets in
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      shape/dbf files. In the openjump.bat or
>> >>>>>>>> file I
>> >>>>>>>>         have inserted
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      the java system property "file.encoding=...".
>> >>>>>>>> My problems are
>> >>>>>>>>         the german
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      "Umlaute" in the attributes.
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      I would like to add a JComboBox to the
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         Because the
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      SelectFilesPanel extends  JFileChooser I don't
>> >>>>>>>> know any
>> >>>>>>>>         possibility to
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      add any other widget. I would prefer to change
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      public class SelectFilesPanel extends
>> >>>>>>>> JFileChooser implements
>> >>>>>>>>         WizardPanel
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      to
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      public class SelectFilesPanel extends JPanel
>> >>>>>>>> implements
>> >>>>>>>>         WizardPanel
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      then add the JFileChooser and a JComboBox to
>> >>>>>>>> the JPanel. I
>> >>>>>>>>         don't know if
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      this have impacts to other classes? Before I
>> >>>>>>>> start to code, I
>> >>>>>>>>         would like
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      to hear from the other developers.
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      Regards
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>      Matthias
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>         >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>
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