
after some days of holiday I hope I can clarify some things.

1. I've no problem if we switch in a future release to the GeoTools
Shapefile stuff. I made the changes on the actual code without any
knowledge about the history/reasons of that classes. We can gladly work
/test together on an integration of the actual GeoTools library.
(Sunburned Surveyor and Michaël's annotations) It makes sense for future
extensions/capabilities, such as common charset choise for all files
(Shape, GML...).

2. The charset settings will be automaticaly stored in the layer
properties through the org.openjump.core.ui.io.file.Options. If you add
such an option to a AbstractFileLayerLoader you get this option in the
OpenWizard and in the layer properties without any additional coding.
Please see org.openjump.OpenJumpConfiguration line 605 and below.
And if you save/load the project, this option will be automaticaly
saved/restored. This is a nice mechanism of OJ :-)

3. As the default charset is always the JVM default selected and used.

4. And now to the usability. If you make a doubleclick on the filename,
the shapefile will be directly openend. So you can save the following
clicks for the charset choise ;-)
But I like Stefan's suggestion with the option to enable/disable the
charset choise for the OpenWizard. The reason for my patches was simple.
In the past I had to open some files from different sources with
different charsets. It was annoying to change the OJ start stript
(-Dfile.encoding=...), start OJ, open the files, save theme in PostGIS,
close OJ and change the start script for the next file and so on.
I would implement a checkbox in the OptionsDialog. The question is in
which OptionPanel? Or should I make a new one? Here we can add some
additional file/dataset specific options in the future.



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