
please provide the complete error stacks or even better the OJ log file ..ede

On 9/15/2020 13:14, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Hi all
> Sometimes I try to load a monoband raster, like the one I attached to this 
> mail, and I get this message of error:
>  /(Referenced Image Exception)
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery.ReferencedImageException: 
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery.geoimg.GeoImage.paint(
> at 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery.ReferencedImageStyle.paint(
> ...../
> The error points to class 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery.geoimg.GeoImage
> The image is not displayed but the raster is at its right position testified 
> by the exact position of the envelope of the image.
> I was not really interested about this bug: I usually load a dem via 
> Sextante. Until now.
> On the newer OJ NB Roberto Rossi recognized a bug when loading multiple 
> raster dem into OpenJUMP as Sextante RasterImageLayer, with very similar to 
> the former:
> /[INFO] 2020-09-15_12:40:53.569 Avvertimento: 1048560
> /
> / (Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)/
> Actually Sextante framework to load files as Sextante raster is 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.imagery.geoimg.GeoReferencedRaster
> I wonder if the bugs are related to each other and can have a common solution
> Best regards
> Peppe
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