Hi Erik,
thanks for your comment.
In reality, the colors of the interpolations are the result of Alberto de
Luca's work to have a good style system for rasters. I just added some LUTs
with more colors to make the rasters more aesthetically beautiful, "Juicy"
as you wrote ;-)

I am interested in your proposal regarding the TSP code. It could be a
great integration to the interpolation plugin. Let me know where you will
put your code. Of course I will extend the copyright to thank your
cooperation. I will move all the stuff on GitHub later.

This plugin was born as a test to recover useful code of projects destined
to be abandoned. John Lindsey, the author of the excellent WhiteBox GAT GIS
for raster in java, wrote to me days ago that he considers his project to
be legacy and is not interested in renewing it. In fact Whitebox Gat no
longer works with the new javas. Kosmo and AdbToolbox, interesting clones
of OpenJUMP, are practically abandoned. I have worked with these software
for years and I feel I need to recover at least some of their functionality
on OpenJUMP. Since the raster management material is large, I will probably
have work for years.

Thanks again


Il giorno mer 2 dic 2020 alle ore 18:25 Eric <eric.openj...@thefactory.io>
ha scritto:

> Congratulations for these great results and these ports Peppe! I really
> like the colours of your raster interpolations -- they are quite refreshing
> / juicy :)
> I don't know if this would be of interest to you but I developed in the
> past a TPS (Thin Plate Spline) interpolation [1] in order to create contour
> lines (vector) from a layer of XYZ points/coordinates for example. I even
> developed a quick OJ plugin to visually test the results but I never
> released it. If you're interested to add this kind of interpolation, I
> could release the code in open source somewhere. It should be relatively
> straightforward to compute an image from it, as once the TPS parameters
> have been estimated, it's possible to compute any z value for a given (x,
> y), and therefore to attach this value to your GridExtent / Raster. Just
> let me know if are interested.
> Best,
> Eric
> On 02/12/2020 13:14, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Greetings OpenJUMPs
> I started a new project to create an interpolation plugin for OpenJUMP
> The plugin takes scattered points loaded in OpenJUMP which have a xyz
> coordinates and transform them into a raster grid, as Sextante raster.
> OpenJUMP has already some interpolation plugins via Sextante toolbox
> (linear regression, Nearest Neighbor, IDW and some Krigings).
> My plugin tries to extend this capability reusing external codes from
> other projects which recently are "starving" of development: AdbToolbox, a
> clone of OpenJUMP, and the good WhiteBox GAT from John Lindsey.
> Note that, among the others, the TIN interpolation algorithm is my first
> try to port an imageJ plugin to OpenJUMP with a with unexpected and fast
> results: it required few modification to port and it is the faster and less
> memory-eater among the others
> You can find detail of my project and a link to download the plugin here:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/opensit/wiki/Interpolation%20Tools/
> The plugin uses MultiInputDialog from OpenJUMP which allows to use part of
> the dialog for user information where you can find info on how to use each
> algorithm of interpolation.
> The project is an external plugin as it is still on developing and
> testing. The day that it will mature enough I plan to port it to OpenJUMP.
> Best regards
> Peppe
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