> Dear Josef
> Thanks for your valuable information, and yes you got right....i was
> checking on interface extensive, which not showing any Q stats...while on
> *sh interface queue, *the packets are actually going to those specific
> queue.
> Kindly can you explain this is little bit detail...as i cant get it
> clearly.....
> " On  the  egress interface we have to put all into Q0 since you
> are  not  using multiclass mlppp and we have only one SEQ pool
> so  we  will  end up all in one queue to prevent re-order. The queuing is
> done in LSQ prior to putting on the seq stamps."
> What is the significance of MultiClass MLPPP, cant i get the
> Gold/Silver/BE/NC traffic with out configuring this parameter?
> Also while checking on consituent link stats (sh interface extensive or sh
> interface queue) both shows the packets are going through BE queue, where as
> at lsq level they are flowing through Gold or Silver.
> Can you provide this information.
> Regards
> Fahad
>  On 4/18/07, Josef Buchsteiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Fahad,
> >
> >        the behavior you see is normal and expected.
> >
> >
> >        First  to  see  the  queue statistic on LSQ interface you most
> >        likely forgot to add the subunit number as the interface
> >        queue number will be zero all the time since this is the
> >        entire LSQ interfaces. That's the reason why you configure
> >        per-unit-scheduler on the LSQ interface.
> >
> >        On  the  egress interface we have to put all into Q0 since you
> >        are  not  using multiclass mlppp and we have only one SEQ pool
> >        so  we  will  end up all in one queue to prevent re-order. The
> >        queuing is done in LSQ prior to putting on the seq stamps.
> >
> >        We  do  recommend  once  there  is  LFI  traffic  to configure
> >        scheduler  on  the  egress  PIC to make sure it gets the right
> >        priority   and  served  prior  to  the  ML  packets  and  the
> >        interleaving  is  done  there.  So  with  LFI  traffic and the
> >        fragmentation-map it would then go into a different egress PIC
> >        queue.  If  you  use  ML-MLPPP  you will then see all going in
> >        different egress queues.
> >
> >
> >        However  the  point  is  that  queuing is done on LSQ. So your
> >        configuration  is ok and most likely all is working correctly.
> >        Just check if you get the LSQ queue number
> >
> >
> >
> > <-- example like this, please check on your side
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] run show interfaces queue lsq-1/2/0.0
> > Logical interface lsq-1/2/0.0 (Index 76) (SNMP ifIndex 65)
> > Forwarding classes: 4 supported, 4 in use
> > Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use
> > Burst size: 0
> > Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort
> > Queued:
> >    Packets              :                113479                   166
> > pps
> >
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