It was to be the default, but currently not compatible w/vpls.

IIRC, a fix in the works to except vpls so the rest of the system can use INHs. 
As of now I believe it fails the commit.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard A Steenbergen
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:41 AM
To: Kevin Oberman
Cc:; Pekka Savola
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Miercom Competitive Performance Testing Results: Cisco 
ASR9000 vs Juniper MX960

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 09:57:41PM -0700, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > There are 2 levels where indirect next-hop can be used, one is on 
> > the RE to speed up RIB convergence, and the resulting FIB 
> > computation, and the other one on the PFE to speed up the actual FIB 
> > update itself. Juniper implemented the one on the RE first, and 
> > that's been there forever, but the PFE one is only available in the 
> > newer versions (and, can be enabled via the "set routing-options 
> > forwarding-table indirect-next-hop" knob).
> > 
> > Configuring that knob will greatly speed up your actual convergence times. 
> This looks like a big win, so I'm looking for a down-side. If there is 
> none, I would expect it to be the default.

Some additional fib memory overhead obviously, but unless you're carrying an 
absurd number of next-hops it should barely be noticable.
We've been running it globally for quite a while, don't think we've ever seen a 
problem with it. I'm sure it will become a default eventually, like distributed 
ppm offloading which IIRC was introduced at around the same time.

Richard A Steenbergen <>
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