On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 03:00:45PM +0400, Pavel Lunin wrote:
> On 22.07.2010 14:33, Alexandre Snarskii wrote:
> >>we also bump into the requirements of cheap devices running everything
> >>including L3VPN/VPLS for a few hundred megs. I would suggest to use
> >>SRX240H in packet mode and don't even think about full BGP (they can't)
> >>     
> >You can try the same trick as with ex-series (yes, it's quite possible
> >to run full-view on ex-4200 series switch and some people do that in
> >production networks). I never tried it at SRX (do not have one yet),
> >so if you'll try it - I'd like to hear your experience.
> >   
> Very advanced sort of design :) EX3200/4200 can only support 32k active 
> prefixes in FIB. Sure you can keep as many prefixes in RIB as Control 
> Plane capable to hold and only few prefixes in FIB but, I am sorry, what 
> for? What is the adventure of keeping that hell of routes in RIB if you 
> rely on something other for real switching? To feel cool issuing "show 
> route summary" which shows 600k routes instead of 6? :)

Example: you run routed metro (or datacenter) ethernet ring, with less
than 12k entries in FIB. One of your customers wants to turn BGP on his
link. There are lots of choices on how to do that: 
- you can setup eBGP multihop with that customer. 
- you can install MX routers instead of EX switches. 
- you can setup two vlans to closest default-free routers and reterminate
customer to them both. 
But that is one of cases when having full-view in your edge switch RIB 
and redistributed to customer fits perfectly.
> The problem with EX in ISP applications is very limited MPLS 
> capabilities. So if you want VPLS or L3VPN in some remote location, EX 
> will not save you although it has way higher forwarding performance.

IIRC, it's quite possible to use closest MX-series router to mix 
draft-kompella pseudowire from EX-series into VPLS domain (it was 
discussed in this list not so long time ago). 
Not sure about L3VPN though. 

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